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Satsang in Lourdes church

Sunday 20 September 2020 | 10:30 - 12:30 uur, € 15

Satsang in Lourdes church

Naropa is a mystic from the Sacha tradition.

He does not proclaim doctrine, dogma, lifestyle or cult,
cannot be classified as a spiritual movement.
He is an artist who is one with the natural creative process.

By simply being with him in receptivity the armour of the personality melts and the Heart awakens.
Just as music can take you to rapture and silence, satsang brings you into connection with the essence.
Sometimes this is painful and confronting, sometimes effortless and joyful.
Seen from the persona point of view it is an operation.
From a conscious point of view it is a relief.

Naropa is an expression of the present time, of the Maitreya energy, of the new human being.
Without using outward appearance and hierarchy,
Without spiritual frills -discouraging admiration – Life is elevated to Art.

Naropa encourages everyone to come to inner and outward blossoming.
Not according to certain guidelines, but in an original way in connection with the universal force, the dharma.

If you want to come to satsang you don’t need to register.
We keep the corona rules and are 1.5 meters apart from each other.
House mates can sit close to each other.

Max. number of participants: 150

Address details:
Lourdes Church Scheveningen
2e Messstraat 108
2586 XG The Hague

The entrance to the hall is on the Berkenbosch Blokstraat right under the tower. The same entrance as the Lourdes Cave

Location Lourdeschurch

Parking reservation (optional) 


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